Friday 11 March 2011

A French truffle

Sadly decadence is a much underrated vice. When I saw this little baby (pictured below) on display at Victor Churchill the other day I knew she had to be mine. This is our first French truffle - usually we get the domestic almost as expensive variety. Decadence? Well truffles are an extravagance. It isn't very often you buy something that is in the two to three thousand dollars per kilo range. Luckily they are small and light. This little ball of black beauty was only 18 grams. But oh the flavour and odour. To store it you have to double seal it in a zip lock bag and then in a plastic container because otherwise your milk will have zee stink of zee angels.

The very simplest thing you can do with a truffle is shave some into a basic omelette and then once the omelette is done take the pan and fry up more shavings in some lovely brown burnt butter. We then get a double hit of truffley goodness.

There's still plenty of truffle left for Michelle's Truffle Egg Pasta. Last time it was divine so I have... expectations.

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